Australia’s most well respected independent online community for property investors. With over 30,000 members and in excess of 100,000 unique visitors every month. Hampel Group built and maintains the site and all of the custom integration with native ad management systems, CRM, help desk, anti-spam and anti-fraud systems and more. We also provide content moderation services and manage the site hosting infrastructure on behalf of Property Chat Pty Ltd.
The world’s larges online community for zoo and animal conservation enthusiasts. The ZooChat photo galleries hold nearly half a million photos from over 3,000 zoos worldwide. Hampel Group built and maintains the site. We also provide content moderation services and manage the site hosting infrastructure on behalf of ZooChat Pty Ltd.
Until it was archived in 2015, the Somersoft property investing forums was Australia’s premier online community for property investors. Started by Jan and Ian Somers in 1999, the site was managed by Simon Hampel from 2002 and saw the community grow to over 25,000 members and nearly 1.3 million posts. Even though the site is no longer open to new posts, the archives are a gold-mine of wealth creation knowledge for investing in real estate in Australia. Hampel Group built the site and manages the hosting infrastructure on behalf of Somerset Financial Services Pty Ltd.
The Real Estate Buyers Agents Association of Australia (REBAA) is a not-for-profit industry association for professional real estate buyers. Hampel Group were commissioned to build and manage a private discussion forum for their members across the country to share knowledge, education and facilitate the promotion of their industry.
Northern Suburbs Little Athletics Centre (NSLAC) is a not-for-profit athletics club on Sydney’s lower north shore providing weekly athletics carnivals for 4 to 17 year olds of all abilities. Hampel Group built and hosts the club’s website and manages the online store on behalf of NSLAC.